Dark Empire II and Empire's End (1995 and 1996)
Dark Empire II is... aggressively similar to the first one. Somehow, Palpatine returned, again! He has a new superweapon! (A much cooler one at least.) Empire's End is really just DEII issues 7 and 8, but with a new (slightly better) artist. Luke is trying to bring back the Jedi, Palpatine wants Anakin, etc. It's also really bad, like the first one. Boba Fett is still useless. Therefore, this entry will be mostly me mocking screencaps again. At least these are fairly fun/easy.
As opposed to before when it helped blow up both Death Stars and stuff.
Guess who this is:
It's Wedge
Don't show them actually hitting or anything.
Boba Fett: Stormtrooper?
Boba Fett: Badass?
Boba Fett: Bitch
Chewie casually murders a droid
This could've been such a cool panel if the Falcon was perpendicular
I know we didn't have a young Palp reference yet, but Dracula is a choice.
Couldn't you have led with the Jules Verne planet instead of waiting to issue 2.4?
Scale 2: Still pretty big
These things were like invincible to blasters 10 pages ago.
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