Dark Force Rising and The Last Command (1992 and 1993)

It's been how long since I did one of these? How did I format them? I think after over explaining Heir to the Empire I'm going to go a little more informal with these.

Honestly, I don't love 'em. I talked before about how HttE Thrawn is peak Xanatos-scheming. In the later books, the plans get kind of goofy. The asteroid blockade of Coruscant in particular stands out.

1. A cloaking device in combat (briefly) or when you're not being looked for (slip in) is one thing. Putting them on asteroids and parking them over Coruscant is dumb. Couldn't you just use some space glitter to reveal them? Or make a corridor with tractor beams? Something?

2. They're real trusting about Karrde's count. "Haha! I had more asteroids!" is very Thrawn.

The entire "off camera" Katana fleet hijacking is kind of disappointing as well. I get the urge to go for "I did it 35 minutes ago", but it's the climax/set piece for the second book, and it's kind of underwhelming. Especially the last minute, "OMG clones!" reveal. 

I don't really like the whole Luke-C'Boath sideplot. Years ago, Luke proudly proclaimed himself a Jedi to Palpatine. Now he's sniveling at C'boath (who is obviously nuts) way too much. And it doesn't really get a ton of character work or plot or anything done, just blown page space. I'd have preferred a lot less time spent before Luke decided to ditch C'Boath and accept that he's the only one who can revive the Jedi or something.

And, the grand (admiral's) finale: Thrawn's death at the hands of Rukh. Appropriate? Sure. Well set up? Not really. We have no idea how Rukh even finds out about it (one of the WEG books provides a one off character to tell him). It just comes out of nowhere. The previous books are all about gathering allies, figuring out Thrawn's plans, etc. And then he gets backstabbed. They could've at least let Leia have a bigger role in it as the Mal'ary'ush.

As far as Star Wars/tie-in books go, they're pretty good. I don't regret reading them, and there are some good moments (Mara Jade saving Luke on Wayland). But they don't live up to the first book, and they're only okay overall. I can confidently recommend them to any Star Wars fan, and if you loved HttE you might as well see the trilogy out. But they're not "classics" the way it was.


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