Jedi Search (1994) by Kevin J. Anderson
Jedi Search Who ya gonna call when you need a questionable tie-in novel? Summary: Two years post the Thrawn campaign (does the date jumping settle down later? I don't remember, but I sure hope so) and the year after Palpatine's last death, Luke is working to start a new Jedi academy. Leia tries to balance being a mother and a politician (Anderson is not good at women). Han goes back to Kessel to try to negotiate with the underworld there, but winds up getting captured. He escapes with the help of the Force-sensitive Kyp Durron, but only to get re-captured at The Maw Installation a secret Imperial laboratory in the middle of a nest of black holes. There, he finds the latest Imperial superweapon, The Sun Crusher. Admiral Daala, commander of the security force there, charges out to take revenge on the Rebellion for the Death of Grand Moff Tarkin. What It Introduces: The Maw and Maw Installation: The Maw is a cluster of black holes "near" (space distances are awkward) K...