Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

 I should've just gone with the Harmy versions all along. And I'm live blogging this one!

The stars behind the Death Star II look great. The way it blocks and unblocks them between the structure as the angle shifts is impressive.

"The Imperial March" gets a lot of (well deserved) attention, but the new Imperial themes here are great. The use of the Emperor's theme in the TIE Fighter game menus is burned into my brain.

Coming back to Tatooine is a nice touch, very full circle.

I'm normally not a fan of selective subtitling, but the combination of C-3PO translating, cognates, and good voice acting/puppeteering let them get away with it.

Watching it on a TV with no scanlines makes the scanlines in Luke's hologram stand out. I'm surprised TVs don't have an onboard scanline option (although I guess there wouldn't be any on a theater screen either.)

The shorter "Jizz Wailing" sequence is both tighter and more impactful. (Also, flirty Boba Fett is awful.)

Jabba laughing after Leia rescues Han is legitimately creepy and awesome.

I never realized Salacious Crumb has a little pillow in his nest in Jabba's tail. He's like a kitty.

I'm surprised Luke doesn't use the Force more in the Rancor fight. The rock throw feels a little underwhelming.

The old Sarlacc is less exciting, but creepier.

The jump->saber catch is peak George Lucas pointless acrobatics, but in a good way.

Boba Fett is so worthless.

The whole Tatooine sequence is so gross. Jabba, the Sarlacc, everything. Not quite gratuitously so.

The CGI ropes on Han's feet weren't a terrible idea. The way he's hanging off before Chewie grabs him is werid.

Harmy does fix a few goofs. The disappearing TIE fighters in the second DSII approach scene for example.

So much more happens on Dagobah in RotJ even if it's like half the screen time. 

RIP Manny Bothans.

I never realized how much of this movie was in front of matte paintings. It's like the old version of the all green screen set for the new movies.

The Leia and Wicket version of the "awkward little alien does technology" is much smoother and quicker than the Luke and Yoda version from ESB.

3PO's storytelling scene with the sound effects is cool.

Leia knowing her mother is the biggest (weirdest) retcon in the prequel trilogy. Probably supposed to be Force visions or something, but I don't care for it.

The Emperor has some great one liners. "Your faith in your friends is yours." "Fully armed and operational battle station!"

The Ewoks aren't that goofy. It helps that they mostly get their asses kicked.

I'm not sure how exactly they do the effect, but I like that the area around the Emperor's eyes glows. Like a reverse bandana. I'm guessing it's just the way the light hits his makeup. It's good creepy.

Strong contender for best lightsaber fight. After his flippy bullshit in Empire Luke goes all out here. It even has the first saber throw.

The aftershocks for Force lightning are a nice touch.

I can never decide how I feel about the eyebrow removal for Anakin. On the one hand, they were probably burnt off on Mustafar. On the other, he really looks like an egg.

I will resist all attempts to retcon anyone else in the Death Star II as a battle of Yavin survivor. Only Wedge.

Leia: He's my brother.
Han: You made out with your brother to make me jealous?

The worst special edition change is replacing Yub Nub. 

That's it! Original Trilogy wrapped! I still stand by Return of the Jedi as a better film than Empire. It's been a while since I'd watched them back to back, and I thought I might change my mind. Nope. If anything, I'm even more convinced.


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