
Showing posts from October, 2024

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

 Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) After writing however many paragraphs about pirating the OT last week, I decided to watch the Specialest Edition on Disney+ for ESB . I figured it was good to try one of them that way (even if it doesn't align with the Thrawn release time period) and ESB  has the least objectionable changes. Plus, it's easier to watch on my lunch at work. I'll do Harmy for Jedi . I'm still that weirdo that thinks Empire  is the worst of the original three. As soon as Luke says he's going to Dagobah I groaned a little. It feels like it has all the parts of a good movie, the arrangement is just kind of bizarre. The big battle scene is about twenty minutes in, and then the Han and Leia plot (the more interesting of the two) fires along (in between Dagobores) until it resolves with Han being frozen and we're stuck with Luke for more of the last act. A couple noticings after watching ANH  last week: 1. Wow, you can tell the budget went up! I

Star Wars (1977)

  Star Wars I spent a fair amount of time figuring out which versions of the Original Trilogy to watch for this. My first choice was the 4KXX releases, for maximum originality. I'm normally more of a Harmy guy, but it'd be fun to try something new, and presumably more authentic. But that wouldn't actually be authentic to the early 1991 Heir to the Empire  release time period viewing experience. VHS/Laserdisc being much lower quality, and Lucas having already making minor changes (EPISODE IV was added in 1981). So I spent some time digging around for what would be the correct release version for 1991. There's a handful of pretty questionable VHS releases (I'm not dedicated enough to watch a pan and scan): I sure don't miss only getting to watch 2/3 of the movie, or having stuff stretched/squished weird.     There were zero official widescreen/letterbox tape releases until 1992 (and even that was a fancy big box collector set), meaning they were fair game for Last