
Showing posts from February, 2025

Maybe I Should Just Rename This Blog To "Whining About Old Star Wars": The Crystal Star by Vonda McIntyre (1994)

The Crystal Star   Cover to the worst Star Wars book ever? Summary: The Solo kids get kidnapped (add that to my stock plot list) and engage in stock evil boarding school hijinks. Han and Luke go on a "vacation" to look for Jedi (Han doesn't quite fuck everything that moves). Leia gets DiD. A dark Jedi gets eaten by The Blob. What It Introduces: There was a little in the Zoo section of Dark Apprentice , but I think this is the book that really establishes the twins' personalities/abilities. Jaina: more impulsive, good at machines. Jacen: more level headed, good with animals.  Commentary:  The Crystal Star  is famously the worst EU novel ever written. I'm not going to go out of my way to particularly defend it (it is a terrible book), but I don't even think it's the worst book I've read so far. I actually "skipped" over a book on my way here. I'm officially dubbing it  the worst Star Wars book I've read so far, and will refrain from pos...

Holy crap, I never finished this: Champions of the Force (Jedi Academy # 3) by Kevin J Anderson (1994)

  Champions of the Force Stupid cover, stupid title, stupid book I thought I'd at least finished this trilogy before I stopped doing these blogs. Oops. Whatever, you're not missing much, KJA continues to be a garbage writer. Summary: Kyp blows up the system an Imperial academy is in. This is apparently a bad thing, but we're never given any info that there's anything else in the system (and the population is lower than the population of some states in 1994). His brother dies in the process, which drives him even more dark side/crazy. The destruction of the planet creates a disturbance in the Force, which partially wakes Luke from his Force-com (basically leaving him as a Force Ghost). Exar Kun tries to destroy his body, but the trainees are able to protect him, and eventually banish Kun's spirit, which allows Luke to return to his body. (He was out for like half a book!) The Imperials find out where Anakin is being hidden thanks to their control over Terpfen (Ackbar...

Dark Apprentice (Jedi Academy Trilogy #2) by Kevin J Anderson (1994)

  Dark Apprentice Why is there an Invader  jumpship from Battletech on the cover ? I gave KJA a lot of shit about the last book because... it as a shit book. So, I'll give him a little credit on Dark Apprentice for at least avoiding any kind of sophomore slump, middle book syndrome, whatever you call it.  Summary: Luke officially starts the Jedi Academy, Exar Kun (moderately successfully) tries to corrupt his students, Kyp Durron steal the Sun Crusher  (which the New Republic stashed inside Yavin), Admiral Ackbar goes into exile after crashing into a cathedral, Wedge and Qui Xux get closer, Mon Mothman is sick, Daala blows stuff up, Kyp blows more stuff up and puts Luke in a Force coma. What It Introduces: The Cathedral of the Winds and the Vors aliens. They're bird people. Vodo-Siosk Baas: An Old Republic era Jedi Master who shows up a bunch in KJA's other stuff. Wookiepedia says this is the first time Anakin Solo is named, though he showed up in Dark Empire  f...