3. Han Solo At Stars' End by Brian Daley (1979)

Han Solo at Star's End Summary: ~2 years BBY (before the Battle of Yavin/pre- ANH) Han Solo is doing normal Han Solo smuggling things, but the Falcon can't pass emissions/inspection. He goes to meet with an outlaw tech to repair it, but finds out THE CORPORATE SECTOR AUTHORITY (the tenuous connecting thread of this trilogy) has him in space Alcatraz. He goes to rescue him. What it introduces: There's a lot of minor/name drop introductions here. Marauder Corvettes, the Corporate Sector, and who knows how many pieces of terminology. I think this is the first public-narrative appearance of the word bowcaster for Chewbacca's weapon. We get the first appearance of a "Victory" class, but it's probably not the Star Destroyer we'll get to know and love in later books. Most importantly, we get the first appearance of my favorite snubfighter, the humble Z-95 Headhunter Look at that sexy little number (thanks, as always, to Wookiepedia for images) It's bas...